Welcome to the Antimicrobial Resistance Learning Site for Veterinary Science. These open-source teaching modules are designed for integration into existing veterinary school courses regarding pharmacology, microbiology, One Health, and species-specific medicine.
About This Site
Recognizing that a large proportion of antimicrobials is used for food animal production, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded the development of the Antimicrobial Resistance Learning Site (AMRLS), which is a suite of educational materials aimed at teaching and promoting the prudent use of antimicrobial agents in veterinary practice.
Veterinary students, veterinarians, industry professionals, researchers, microbiologists, epidemiologists, and animal scientists.
Continuing Education
Veterinary continuing education credit is available for most modules. Visit OnlineCE to view available modules and fees.
Project Background
The Antimicrobial Resistance Learning Site was funded by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under the “Get Smart on the Farm” program. The first website was created by the College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, with contributions from the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. Suggestions for improvement regarding technical matters and content are welcomed and appreciated. Please send feedback to v[email protected].
Project Overview
Since their introduction, antimicrobials have revolutionized man’s approach to treatment, control, and prevention of human and animal infectious diseases. The modern antibiotic era markedly improved survival rates and longevity as catastrophic disease outbreaks were controlled and previously fatal infections became clinically manageable. Overall, these changes greatly improved the quality of human life and animal welfare.
However, the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance has become a major problem. This global phenomenon has raised the alarming possibility of subsequent generations returning to the pre-antibiotic era when common infections were often fatal due to the lack of effective treatments. Medical history and research have shown that the prevalence of resistant bacteria and resistant genes increase in response to the selective pressure created by the use of antibiotics. Evidence is mounting that much of the problem is rooted in the inappropriate and excessive use of antimicrobials, and that one of the most effective counter measures is to practice prudent and judicious antimicrobial usage. To achieve this societal change, we must empower health care professionals with the resources and information they need to facilitate sound decisions pertaining to antimicrobial usage.
Globally, the animal industry is estimated to use more tons of antibiotics than does human medicine. To effectively contain or reverse the growing antimicrobial resistance problem, responsible antimicrobial use in the human medical community must be accompanied by a corresponding effort among veterinarians, food animalindustries and companion animal industries. Veterinarians should be leaders in appropriate antimicrobial use for their patients, and should also understand how antimicrobial use in animals may affect human health. Veterinarians should also advise their clients about appropriate over the counter antimicrobial use and should acknowledge that they are the best equipped health professionals to regulate and control the public’s access to antibiotics used for animals. This website examines the emerging problem of antimicrobial resistance in animals and humans. It is intended for use in veterinary courses in microbiology, pharmacology, infectious disease, public health, and species-specific veterinary medicine.